About Us
To provide opportunities to engage in sports leagues or camps year-round, enrichment programming such as summer camps and life-skills clinics, tournaments, and other programs that will de-emphasize the importance of winning, and will engage in positive coaching, as well as providing positive role models to those children.
Mission Statement
The primary mission of the Refugees Community Services Association is to provide an organized youth sports league with camps, tournaments, enrichment activities, and recreation programs for all interested children regardless of ability to pay.

We believe that every child should have access to high-quality sports programs.
These programs should foster teamwork, leadership, and good sportsmanship, and we are proud to offer just that through our youth flag football league.
We strive to create a community that nurtures healthy competition, teamwork, and social-emotional development.
Our league is designed for youth of all skill levels, from beginners to those with advanced experience. We also encourage volunteers to participate in our programs, as they play an essential role in helping us fulfill our mission.

Our Goals

To provide quality instruction in youth sports at a reasonable cost using public support in the form of donations, membership fees, and registration fees into the particular sport league, tournament, or clinic, as well as fees associated with summer camp registration, and other recreation programming.

Use public support and donations as well as support from the community to help provide the facilities and equipment and therefore minimize registration costs.

Provide scholarships to anyone in need and to facilitate entry for their child to enjoy our programs at a cost that helps them.
Wanna become a member or volunteer? Do you have a teen who needs volunteer hours for school or is looking for a part join job? Contact us at info.rcssacramento@gmail.com for more information!
Email the completed volunteer application to info.rccsacaramento@gmail.com.
The programs we offer (Flag Football Clinic, Camps, and Leagues), were created to give opportunities to children to learn and play the sport we love. We want to provide a quality program without the large cost. We are always looking for volunteers, parent liaisons, and community members to help grow our non-profit.

RCS Board Members 2024-2025

Rashad Williams
Chief Executive Officer